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Dual-purpose mill project

Dual-purpose mill project

Dual-purpose mill project

Karun Agro-industry Company, based on operational plans and the agreement of the Minister of Jihad for Agriculture, in 1397 to start studies of the dual-purpose mill project of its production line and create a new sugar beet processing line at the rate of 500,000 tons per year, along with previous sugarcane lines Appeared. Due to the fact that this project is implemented for the first time in the country and its technical knowledge is not domestic, it is necessary to purchase the required devices, especially dual-purpose diffusers and some peripheral equipment provided from abroad, but other equipment and all installation operations. And operation, under the supervision of foreign experts, will be carried out by personnel and domestic companies.

The benefits of this project include the following:

Increase the country's sugar production and help self-sufficiency in the production of this strategic product
Creating employment and economic prosperity in the region
Use existing capacities in the area including land, facilities and labor
Use the resulting pulp as a nutritious livestock feed and thus help the livestock industry
Ability to review the plan as a pilot and do it for other similar companies

Accordingly, experts from Brazil, France, Belgium, India and Germany have visited the company and held various meetings.

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